CR ვერტიკალური მრავალსაფეხურიანი centrifugal inline pumps

ძირითადი ინფორმაცია


Now, the range has been upgraded with a new, more robust generation of CR pumps (CR 95, CR 125 and CR 155), offering an optimised hydraulic design for world-class energy efficiency.
Thanks to a small footprint, the pumps are also easier and less costly to
install than comparable pumps. The new CR pumps have been developed using simulation-driven design to perfect every single component and have been field-tested around the world, so you can install and operate the range with
total confidence. For more information on the new generation of CR pumps,
download the leaflet under ‘Brochures’ in the menu or click here.

The CR is available in millions of different configurations through four modules:

  • Motors
  • Shaft seals
  • Pump modules
  • Connections.

We offer a “mix and match” modular approach. In Grundfos Product Center
(GPC) we offer a large variety of CR pumps. Further, you can utilise the
configurator to customize the solution to your specific application.

We offer a “mix and match” modular approach, so you can configure a pump that meets your exact needs. We test, qualify and document all modules, just like we do for any standard Grundfos pump.

The basic CR pump range is available in four different materials: cast iron, two grades of stainless steel and titanium. Thirteen flow sizes are capable of producing up to 180 m3/h at 50 bar, with a variety of shaft seals, rubber materials and supply voltages.

We optimise pump parts that are typically vulnerable to difficult liquids or demanding operating conditions.

We also offer highly efficient “E” version pumps with a built-in frequency converter (CRE) or pumps with an external frequency converter (CUE). These combine the very best of pump technology with highly efficient motors and variable speed drives. You will never use more energy than you need.


  • Balanced shaft seal
  • Wear-resistant bearing material
  • Laser-welded impellers
  • Energy-optimised pumps (EU minimum efficiency index (MEI) benchmark of MEI ≥ 0.70)
  • Premium efficiency IE3/IE4 motors
  • Easy service, minimimal downtime
  • High pressure
  • High temperature
  • Difficult liquids


Vertical, in-line multistage

Technical data

Sizes: 13 – from 1-150 (basic pump range)
Head max: 50 bar
Flow max: 184 m3/h
Temperature range from -40 to 180 °C
Motor range from 0.37 to 75 kW
Material versions: CR, CRI, CRN and CRT

The CR family

Model Description
CR, CRE Cast iron base and top, all wetted parts in stainless steel (EN 1.4301)
CRI, CRIE Base, top and all wetted parts in stainless steel (EN 1.4301)
CRN, CRNE Base, top and all wetted parts in high-grade stainless steel (EN 1.4401)
CRT, CRTE Base, top and all wetted parts in Titanium (ASTM B 265)
CRNE-HS Compact, high-speed single pump system for high pressure
CRN SF Double pump system designed for high pressure and high flow

Note: For all variants from 22 kW and below, we offer an optional integrated or an external frequency converter from 0.37 to 75 kW.


  • Standard: For pumping water-like liquids for distribution of light treatment, we offer our standard CR or the CRI water pump.
  • Industrial: We have added further modular solutions to cope with very high pressures, very high temperatures, very aggressive, very corrosive or very dangerous liquids. The industrial range includes the CR, CRI, CRN and CRT lines.


Liquid nature Liquid Application
High pressures Water Water Treatment
Reverse osmosis
Steam boiler feed
Washing and cleaning
Industrial processes
Hot liquid Mineral Oils Boiler feed
Water Washing and cleaning
Chemicals Industrial processes
Chemical industries
Aggressive or Corrosice Desinfections
Marine and industrial processes
Abrasive Cleaners/degreasers, such as metasilicates Washing and cleaning
Toxic or Flammable Solvents, fuels, alcohols, etc. Industrial processes
Industrial cooling
High-viscosity Mineral-/synthetic oils Industrial processes
Industrial cooling
Hardening Paints Industrial processes
Crystallising Glycol additives, naphthalene, sugar products (e.g. dextran), salts Industrial processes
Industrial cooling

The Grundfos CR is suitable for

  • Industrial processing systems
  • Washing and cleaning systems
  • Pumping of acids and alkalis
  • Filtration systems
  • Water pressure boosting
  • Water Treatment
  • HVAC
  • Irrigation

Visit Grundfos Product Center for Technical details, Curves, CAD drawings, Manuals and Service: CRCRECRICRIECRNCRNECRTCRTECRNE-HSCRN-SF

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