CIM/CIU fieldbus – control of pumps and pump systems (GE)

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The innovative Communication Interface Module (CIM) and the Communication Interface Unit (CIU) enable data communication via open and interoperable networks.
The Grundfos CIM/CIU communication interfaces offer ease of installation and commissioning, user-friendliness, and great value for money in the long term. All modules are based on standard functional profiles for easy integration into the network and easy understanding of data points.
CIM modules are add-on modules that allow communication with E-pumps, circulator pumps, Multi Pump Controller (CU 352), Hydro Multi-E, Hydro Multi-B and Dedicated Controls (CU 362) and Level Control LC 2×1 for wastewater pumps.
The CIU communication interface unit is for products with a GENIbus interface such as Motor protection MP 204, external variable speed drives (CUE), Wastewater-AutoAdapt pumps or large DDA XL dosing pumps. CIU units have an integrated 24 to 240 V power supply and are prepared for wall-mounting or DIN-rail mounting.

For small DDA dosing pumps use  E-box 150 / E-box 200 or E-box 500 units.

The CIM/CIU interfaces support the following fieldbus standards:

  • EtherNet/IP
  • Modbus RTU
  • Modbus TCP
  • BACnet MS/TP
  • BACnet IP
  • LONworks
  • 3G/4G cellular data connection ( Modbus TCP / SMS )
  • 3G/4G cellular Grundfos Remote Management/ Grundfos iSolution Cloud


  • CIM 100/110 LON is mainly used for HVAC applications in buildings
  • CIM 150 Profibus DP is mainly used for factory and process automation
  • CIM 200 Modbus RTU is used for versatile automation e.g. HVAC and wastewater applications
  • CIM 260 3G/4G cellular data connection is mainly used for water supply and wastewater applications
  • CIM 280 3G/4G cellular is used together with Grundfos Remote Management/ Grundfos iSolution cloud
  • CIM 300 BACnet is used for building automation
  • CIM 500 Ethernet can be used for Modbus TCP, PROFINET IO, BACnet IP, EtherNet/IP and GRM IP
  • CIU 900 (empty) / CIU 901 (with IO board) / CIU 902 (WW autoadapt) / CIU 903 (SQFlex) boxes to mount a related CIM interface

Features and benefits

  • Based on standard functional profiles
  • One solution for all products with a modular design prepared for future needs
  • One solution offering complete process monitoring and control
  • Easy to install and commission, as Grundfos delivers the required support files and functional profile manuals
  • Flexible wide range power supply 24-240 VAC/VDC (CIU unit)
  • Pumps and controllers have better reliability with reduced downtime, due to monitoring and control functionality on a PLC/BMS/SCADA system
  • The operational cost of pumps can be lowered by reducing setpoints to match precise system needs via remote control
  • Remote monitoring and control via PLC/BMS/SCADA systems reduce manual settings, monitoring time and travel time to sites or installations
  • Enable predictive maintenance and fast reaction time on process changes and exceptions
Selection table
The selection table in the CIM CIU communication interface brochure makes it easy to select the needed CIM or CIU communication interface (look at tab brochures)
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